Upcoming events.


Joint Policy/Communications Committee Meeting

Join the joint VIRTUAL Policy and Communications Committee meeting for July! This meeting will focus on finding ways to effectively communicate our policy positions, such as how we define "defunding the police."

We will also be creating a list of local, statewide, and federal legislation to follow, support, or oppose.

If you are interested in joining the policy committee this year and want to help push SCYD to support certain policies, please join the meeting! 

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83229705395?pwd=VDhkeDVHM2d0bmlpRHBaTGczSmUzUT09

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Policy Committee Meeting

Join the VIRTUAL Policy Committee meeting for June! We will be discussing police reform and what policies can and should be implemented in Sacramento and California.

Specifically, we will be working to adopt a Police Reform policy platform, and will identify next steps for advocacy.

If you are interested in joining the policy committee this year and want to help push SCYD to support certain policies, please join the meeting!

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82965722954?pwd=ZHR3Z0tTR3AyMngyWEpYV0RuQldIZz09

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How Allies Can Be Activists

Join us on Zoom for a round-table conversation with Sacramento NAACP President Betty Williams, the NAACP youth coordinator, and young dem/attorney Liah Burnley who has years of experience working in the criminal justice space as we discuss how we, as allies, can take direct action to support protestors, impact policy, and stand behind the Black community.

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Policy Committee Meeting

Policy Committee Meeting

Join the Policy Committee meeting for March. This will be the first meeting led by newly elected Committee Chair Sebastien Chaubard.

We’ll be looking at some of the recent results of the election, specifically local races and Prop. 13. We're also going to be looking at top bills to watch for this year, and begin to note what legislation is worth following, talking to legislative staff about, and acting upon in the new year.

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New Year, New Board Happy Hour

New Year, New Board Happy Hour

Join SCYD for our first happy hour with our newly elected 2020 Executive Board! Starting at 6 pm, each board member will have a signup sheet and drink in hand, ready to talk about their plans for the upcoming year. Come on by to chat about any ideas you may have for the club and to figure out what committee will be your perfect fit!

Friendly reminder that a new year might mean it's time to renew your membership! Be sure to renew your dues for the 2020 year at our ActBlue page. SCYD dues are just $15, with $10 for students.

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