Young Democrats Across Greater Sacramento


Fem Dems of Sacramento

The Fem Dems are a local Democratic club that meets monthly to discuss the issues their members want to talk about: everything from pay equity to access to reproductive health care. They are committed to promoting feminist ideals through a combination of volunteerism, community outreach, fundraising and political activism.


Black Young Dems of Sacramento

The Sacramento Black Young Dems (@SacBYD) aim to enhance the political voice of Black Americans in Sacramento by engaging their community.


Latinx Young Dems of Sacramento

The Latinx Young Democrats of Sacramento County (LYDS) work to recruit and engage the young Latinx community into the political process. LYDS seeks to advocate for causes and candidates that uplift the Latinx community, as well as educate the community as a whole about Latinx issues and cultures.


YAAS Democrats

The Young API American Sacramento Democrats (YAAS Dems) focuses on empowering the API community, increasing the political participation and representing the views of young API Democrats, reaching underrepresented communities, exploring intersectional API identities, and supporting the election of Democrats to public office.


College Democrats at Sacramento State

The Sac State Dems take action to advance the ideals of the Democratic Party on their campus, in their community, and across the country. They hold regular meetings, parties, events, and trainings to engage college-age Democrats in the local political process.


Davis College Democrats

The Davis College Democrats (DCD) represent the interests of Democratically-minded UC Davis students, faculty, and staff at local government committees, boards, and councils, and actively support (or oppose) issues, initiatives, and candidates that help (or hurt) student interests.


Organize Win Legislate Sacramento

Organize Win Legislate Sacramento (OWLS) is a political organization serving progressive activists in Sacramento. Their main objectives are to educate, train, and activate people who want to spend their time fighting back against the Republican dismantling of our government and rights.