Notice of Voting Items on February 3, 2020 General Membership Meeting Agenda
Your SCYD Political Affairs Committee has voted to place proposed bylaw amendments on the 2/3/21 General Membership Meeting Agenda. We will be voting on these, as well as on the nominees for the 2021 Executive Board during this meeting.
Summary of proposed bylaw amendments, per SCYD Political Affairs Director Travis Legault:
Currently our bylaws only allow those who attended the January General Membership Meeting to vote in the February Officer Elections. This bylaw change will codify our past standard practice of allowing all those who have attended a General Membership Meeting or Membership Event in the last calendar year to vote in our Officer Elections. No language is being deleted and the highlighted language will be added. This item will be voted on prior to the beginning of officer elections, but in line with our current bylaws, only those who attended our January General Membership Meeting are eligible to vote on it.
The specific language for this proposed amendment can be found here.
Additionally, the Political Affairs Committee has approved the procedure for the 2021 Executive Board Officer elections and provided a summary:
The Elections Officer (SCYD President Katie Hanzlik) will open nominations for officer positions in the following order: President, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Fundraising, Treasurer, Political Director, Policy Director, Communications Director, and Community Affairs Director.
There are no official candidates until one's name is placed into nomination. Any Member (Active or Associate) may be recognized to place a candidate’s name into nomination. They will then have one minute to speak on their nomination. The candidate will then be given the opportunity to accept or decline the nomination, and then will have two minutes to speak.
If there is only one candidate placed into nomination for an office, the vote will proceed by acclimation. If there is more than one candidate placed into nomination, the vote will proceed electronically via a Google Form and a Google Sheet will be displayed via screen sharing showing votes of those participating. Secret Balloting is prohibited, pursuant to the rules of the California Democratic Party.
The Elections Officer and Parliamentarian will be the arbiter of any arising disputes and their decisions are final.