Allies and Activists
One week ago, we released a statement reaffirming that SCYD believes that Black lives matter, that we stand in solidarity with the Black community, and that we condemn the racist, prejudiced, and cruel actions of George Floyd’s killers in Minneapolis.
Today, and every day, we believe that we as Democrats should be actively engaged in the fight to end bigotry, systemic racism and hate in our country. But this can’t be only with words -- we must engage through our actions, as well.
Below you will find just a few first ways that SCYD plans to invite our members to engage in that fight with us.
We will educate ourselves. This Monday, June 15, we have the privilege of welcoming Sacramento NAACP President Betty Williams to lead us in an online discussion about how we, as allies, can take direct action to support protestors, impact policy, and stand behind the Black community.
We will take a stand. In our statement last week, we said we intend to use our political access and capital to ensure that our elected leaders stand for justice. Our Policy Committee (which last year took its first legislative action when it supported California’s landmark use of force law) will be meeting virtually on June 22 to discuss and adopt our Police Reform policy platform, and will identify next steps for advocacy at the local and state level.
We will stick to our principles. It’s an election year. On June 24th, our Political Committee will meet virtually to develop our 2020 Questionnaire that candidates must fill out to earn our endorsement, and we will be discussing what questions around systemic racism and police reform we’d like to include (among many other critical issues.)
And we commit to listening to you. In the months ahead, we look forward to your participation. We want to hear the entire diversity of perspectives and experiences that are informing this movement.
If you ever have questions, feedback, or ideas, please know that all of us are available to you and ready to get to work!
Thank you.
With respect and in solidarity,
Your 2020 SCYD Executive Board