Sacramento Young Democrats Stand in Solidarity with Protests, Demand Action
Contact: Ryan K. Brown
SCYD Communications Director | (408) 600-5951
Sacramento Young Democrats Stand in Solidarity with Protests, Demand Action
The Sacramento County Young Democrats believe that Black lives matter.
Barely two years ago, the Sacramento community watched as Stephon Clark, an unarmed Black man, was murdered in his grandmother’s backyard by police officers who faced zero consequences. Since then, we have seen multiple extrajudicial executions of Black people in cities across America, including Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and George Floyd, with no indication that those responsible will face justice.
As Young Democrats committed to solidarity with marginalized communities, we stand with protestors nationwide and condemn the racist, prejudiced, and cruel actions of George Floyd’s killers in Minneapolis - as well as the institutionalized racism present in our nation’s police forces and the police unions that protect them.
This is why the Sacramento County Young Democrats stand in unequivocal, unabashed solidarity with Black communities across the nation, as well as with all who fight for justice.
We stand with our parent organization, the California Young Democrats, and will propose adoption of their demands at our next Policy Committee meeting. Furthermore, we call for police, both in Sacramento and nationwide, to stand down and end the intentional provocation and detainment of protestors.
As allies, we intend to use our political access and capital to ensure that our local, state, and federal elected leaders and Democratic institutions stand for justice and take immediate, decisive action to end violence and institutional racism against the Black community.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu may have said it best: “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” This is where the Sacramento County Young Democrats stand, and we will use our platform to speak out against injustice. Every time.
The Sacramento County Young Democrats are an organization made up of Greater Sacramento’s Democrats, ages 14 to 35, who are committed to activating youth, empowering Young Democrats to take action, and electing Democrats into office.